Wednesday 7 November 2018

The 3 Week Diet

Enter The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet is based on medical science, rational thoughts and real-life proven results. As of right now, you can rest assured that you will never need to buy another diet book, fancy gizmo or magic pill to lose weight ever again. Quite simply, The 3 Week Diet cuts through the bull and gives you a time-tested, effective and proven blueprint for rapid fat loss.
This isn’t one of those diets that works for some but not others. The fact is, The 3 Week Diet is based on the science involved with the human body and how different nutrients affect our hormones resulting in either weight loss or weight gain


In all my years in the diet & fitness industry, I don’t think anyone has ever told me that they were looking for a way to lose weight slowly. In fact, most people that come to me about losing weight are looking for something that will produce results as fast as humanly possible. And I truly believe that the #1 reason that most diets fail is because they don’t produce results fast enough. Let’s face it…it’s no fun to spend hours at the gym, followed by small portions of food we can’t stand, day after day, only to see the scale drop just one pound during the week.

for a diet to be successful, i truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results fast. when the dieter sees real results quickly, he/she becomes more engaged. and when i can get the dieter engaged in the diet, it produces a “snowball effect” causing the results get better and better as the dieter gets leaner and leaner because of the results they are seeing on an everyday basis.

On The 3 Week Diet, you WILL see real results daily. Your scale will move, your clothes will fit better, you’ll feel lighter (because you’ll actually be lighter) and you will look and feel better than you have in years.

This is why The 3 Week Diet is so ultra-effective. It produces extremely fast and visible results. These fast results keep the dieter motivated. And that motivation keeps them going until they reach levels of fat loss that they have never imagined possible.

Once you finish this book, you’re going to know more about how we gain and lose weight than most doctors do. And, using the methods you’ll learn in The 3 Week Diet, you’re going to be fully equipped to lose weight virtually on command.

This is not another “fad” diet. This diet is based on science and it has been proven to be extremely effective for millions of people for the past several decades. This diet takes into account your own biology and hormones and how the body processes, utilizes, stores and burns body fat. This book will show you how and why you have gained the excess weight you now want to get rid of, so that you can stop the weight from ever coming back.

This is the diet that puts you in control.

how this system works

1.      The Diet: the diet portion of The 3 Week Diet is just that—diet.
It consists of three phases (each phase being 1 week long). During your first week on the diet, you will likely see a drop of weight in the neighborhood of 10 pounds. It will give you all the information on how you can lose up to one pound of body fat (or more) per day, simply by the foods you eat and don’t eat. The diet requires some motivation and short-term changes to your eating habits but I promise you that if you can make it past the first week of this diet, you will be in total control of your weight for the rest of your life. In fact, many people have said that after finishing Phase #1 of The 3 Week Diet, they felt like they could accomplish anything.
2. The Workouts: one of the reasons people fail in their diets is because the workout required to succeed is just too much for most people to handle. This is not the case with The 3 Week Diet. The 3 Week Diet workouts are designed to burn fat and get you into great shape in about 20 minutes just a few times each week. While you can lose weight quickly on the diet alone, a quality workout like the one in The 3 week diet, can double your fat loss results. The 3 Week Diet workout is broken
down into two separate workouts. One is for those who would rather workout at their local gym and the other is a home workout, using just your body weight and the one single piece of equipment. No matter which of the workouts you choose, you’ll find that they are, by far, the best fat-blasting workouts you will ever see!
3. Supplements: The supplement report provides a look at some of the most popular diet supplements being used today. These will include a review of the supplements not included in The 3 Week Diet itself.
4. Motivation & Mindset:
the motivation report contains valuable information that I have used on my clients in the past. It will show you how to focus your energy on achieving your goals. There are some really great tips, tricks and secrets to losing weight and keeping the weight off.

why this diet
This diet is going to have several benefits on your life outside of the rapid weight  loss it produces. By the end of the diet, you’re going to have a new outlook on how weight is lost and you’re going to have complete control over your weight for the rest of your life. You’ll have the tools and knowledge on what you’ll need to drop pounds quickly, virtually anytime you stray from healthy eating.
One of the biggest problems with dieting is that the weight comes off very slowly.
In this respect, The 3 Week Diet is an absolute game changer. No more will you lose weight at a snail’s pace. Instead, by following this diet, you can expect to lose ¾ to 1 pound of fat every single day. And, if you want to double those results, I have included The 3 Week Workout, which will help you do exactly that.
There are several reasons why people turn to The 3 Week Diet to lose fat quickly.
A large percentage of my readers are seeking to lose weight for an upcoming special event, such as a wedding, class reunion or an upcoming vacation that usually involves the pool or the beach. Others are actors and models that need their body weight and body fat percentages at low levels to earn a living. And many use The3 Week Diet as a jumpstart to starting a new diet, workout program or a healthier lifestyle.
What ever your goals are, The 3 Week Diet will help you reach them!

why 3 weeks?

Research has shown that most overweight people are carrying around 10-20 pounds of unwanted body fat. Research has also shown that most diets fail. From my experience, most diets fail because they take the long, slow, boring approach to weight loss. When weight loss comes off at 1-2 pounds a week, the rewards for the sacrifices it takes to get there really aren’t worth it. The 3 Week Diet accomplishes what most diets take 4-5 months to do in 3 weeks The 3 Week Diet was specifically designed to be an extremely rapid method for burning between 10-20 pounds of body fat.                     I understand that for a diet to be ultra-successful, it absolutely must produce very rapid results. When results come quickly, the dieter receives the necessary feedback that the diet is working and that it’s worth doing. This results in the dieter sticking with the diet. When the dieter sticks with the diet, the results snowball and the outcome is successful weight loss and a brand new body.
This is why The 3 Week Diet works! You will soon see that you will notice favorable body composition changes in the very first couple of days on the diet. In the very first week alone, you will be likely seeing 10 pounds of fat stripped away from your body. Your clothes will be looser… You’ll feel lighter… And you’ll look and feel 10x better than you did just a week before

 can You buy this article

Thursday 16 February 2017

Weight loss

Weight loss made EASY


You hear the same old weight loss tips over and over again: "Eat well and exercise." Isn't there more to it? Indeed there is! We reveal proven diet tips and fitness tips to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy and motivated.

1. Eat nine servings of summer fruits and vegetables daily. Packed with vitamins A, C and E, phytochemicals, minerals, carbs and fiber, produce is healthy, filling, and naturally low in calories and fat. Enjoy it at meals, snacks and before/after exercise to stay full, feel energized and lose weight, says Seattle-based nutritionist Susan Kleiner, R.D., Ph.D.

2. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. This is crucial for staying hydrated, maintaining energy and losing weight. "To build muscle and increase metabolism, you need to burn fat. And you can't build muscle and burn fat if you're not well hydrated," says Kleiner. "Drinking plenty of water will help you feel full and keep you energized for exercise."

3. Use lowfat cooking techniques. Avoid frying and sautéing with butter and use slimmer techniques like steaming, baking, grilling (the barbecue is ideal for this), or stir-frying.

4. Do at least 20 minutes of cardio four times a week. A short duration of high-intensity activity in your cardio workout routines will elevate the heart rate for two to four hours, says Kevin Lewis, a certified personal trainer and owner of State of the Art Fitness in Woodland Hills, Calif. A good cardio workout, such as an hour of moderate hiking or cycling burns about 300 calories and 380 calories respectively. Or try a new sport (in-line skating, surfing) to break out and work muscles you don't normally target.

5. "Weight" it out. Just two 30-minute total-body strength training routines a week will strengthen and build the muscles you're working and increase your metabolism, Lewis says. "The goal [for strength training routines] is to build lean muscle mass, which will result in a bigger calorie burn," he says.

6. Break it up. Only have time for half of your usual hour-long workout? Go anyway, or do two 30-minute cardio workout routines or strength training routines during different times of the day, Lewis says.

7. Train for a marathon, mini-triathlon, or backpacking adventure. This takes the focus off weight loss and puts it on gaining strength, speed and/or endurance. You'll lose weight naturally if you balance your calorie intake and stay committed to your training.

8. Ward off exercise boredom. Mix up your routine by alternating gym workouts, trying new machines and classes (yoga, Spinning, Pilates, kickboxing) or heading outside for hiking, biking, etc.

9. Listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right—you experience muscle cramping, develop chest pains, become overly fatigued or winded, feel thirsty, lightheaded or dizzy —stop and, check it out. If rest doesn't seem to relieve your concern, talk to your doctor. That way you can catch potential health problems early rather than risk injury and lose all momentum, Lewis says.

10. Set a goal. Figure out why you want to shed pounds (and whether you even need to) and make sure it's a healthy and realistic goal, Kleiner says. Being able to say "I lost weight!" can be just as rewarding as fitting into your slimmer jeans.

Friday 16 December 2016

101 Diet Tips

1.Getting started on a diet.
Prior to starting on a diet, you need to make sure that you are fully committed about it. In other words, you need to have the discipline and the determination to follow through it, in order to attain your fitness goals. Aside from that, you should also have the right motivation to stay on track.
2. Eliminate excuses. 
Many people today are not able to start on their diets, since they think that they are not too overweight, or they put it off for another day. To eliminate your excuses, you should face your problem head on, and recognize the fact that dieting is one of the solutions for it. Keep in mind that excuses may also appear even when you have already started; thus, you need to be prepared for them.
3. Gather as much information as you can. If you have fully decided that dieting is the way to go in order to lose weight, then you should gather as much information as you can. When you have the right information with you, you would receive the right guidance in starting on a diet. Aside from that, you can also become more familiar of the nutritional facts behind different food items.
 4. Determine more reasons to go on a diet. Different people have different reasons in going on a diet. Some people need to do it to improve their health conditions, while others simply want to fit into their small sized clothing. Whatever your reasons are, you should always remind yourself of them, so that you would become more motivated in going through your diet.
 5. Get emotionally involved. Sparking your emotions to go on a diet is a good way to get started on it. This is because it can give your diet more purpose and meaning. Aside from that, it can also bring more passion and desire from you in losing weight. Therefore, you should constantly look at yourself on the mirror, and compare it to your pictures of yesteryears. By doing that, you would become more motivated in reaching your goals through your diet.
6. Don’t view dieting as something difficult to do. When you are about to start on your diet program, one thing that can stop you from doing it is your thoughts about how difficult it can be. Thus, you should view it as something that is easy to do. Challenge yourself, and take it one step of the time. Don’t do it in an abrupt manner, so that you would be able stay on it long enough to see your desired results.
7. Choosing your diet program. There are lots of programs about dieting that are available today. However, proper selection is one of the keys in attaining success on it. To choose the best one, you should avoid those that are too restrictive. Aside from that, you should also choose a program, which has received positive reviews from people who have already gone through it. 
8. Positive affirmations. If you are having difficulties in staying on a diet or getting started with one, you can actually use positive affirmations for it. Positive affirmations means that you are going to feed your subconscious mind with positive statements, about what you want to attain. By doing that, you can have the right mindset in starting on your diet, or in staying on it. 
9. Get the support that you need. There is no need to be alone when it comes to dieting. Although other members of your family may not follow a diet, they can actually support you on it, so that you would be able to attain your goals. To achieve that, you should tell them about your diet. By doing that, they can help you get started on your diet. Aside from that, they can also constantly remind you of the right foods to eat.
 10. Make dieting easier for you to do. Some people may find the first few days of dieting to be quite difficult. Thus, you should come up with a solution to make it easier for you. One of the things that you can do about it is to make sure that your refrigerator only contains the healthy foods that you can eat. Aside from that, you should also start with healthier foods that you really like. 
11. Eat only if you are really hungry. There are times when a person eats when he is not hungry. There are many possible reasons behind this, which can include stress, emotions, habit, and such. Thus, you should become more aware whether your urge to eat is dictated by your stomach or something else. If you are unsure, drink a glass of water instead, or if you really have to, then you should get a healthy snack.
 12. MSG filled foods. There are lots of food items that are filled with MSG these days. Most of the foods that contain this substance are those that are highly processed. Aside from the fact that such a substance can harm your body, it can also add more fat to it. Thus, you should avoid eating food items that contain MSG as much as you can. 
13. Get enough rest.
When you are well rested, your body would be able to do its work in repairing damage tissues, and such. However, if you do the opposite, then it can make you gain more weight. This is because lack of rest can slow down your metabolism. Aside from that, it can also boost your appetite to some extent, when your body is trying to compensate for the lack of sleep. 

14. Focus on fiber. In coming up with your own diet program, you should eat foods that are loaded with fiber. Fiber can help in flushing out dangerous toxins from your body. Aside from that, it can also suppress your appetite naturally by prolonging the digestion process. Additionally, it can also lower down your blood cholesterol levels. 
15. Find a more personalized program. If you want to follow a certain diet program to lose weight, it is best to find one that is going to be created just for you. There are many experts in this filled, who are more than willing to help out people in losing weight. Find these experts, and have them assess your present situation, so that they can come up with a diet program, which is specifically made just for you.
 16. Become more conscious of calories. In achieving weight loss, you need to provide your body with lesser amounts of calories, and burning more of it. One of the things you can do is to check the food items you purchase from the grocery for its caloric content. Aside from that, you can also do some research about how much calories you could be burning on a day to day basis. 
17. Avoid soda drinks. Sodas are loaded with calories, which can result to faster weight gain. Although there are diet sodas available, they are actually still loaded with empty calories and chemicals, which are not good for your health. Thus, it is best to simply avoid them. Focus more on drinking fresh water, or natural fruit juices.
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Friday 8 January 2016

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